New Website Updates
Posted by Peter Eskow on 12/2/2013 at 9:08 PM
under Development, Website Updates
Added a few new features to my website!
Icon updates
I updated the iconography throughout the site to keep with the "flat" theme that seems to be the rage these days. I like it because it's more subdued and less jarring than looking at a jumble of multi-colored social media icons (such as in the original layout of the "Connect" section of the sidebar, to the right). Some icons I made myself, others I downloaded from Free Flat Icons.
Travel - Browse by Continent and Country
I added a new page to the Travel section that lets you browse all my trips based on country or continent. The list is entirely dynamic, so as I add new trips, the list will grow automatically. I also included some basic statistics about my travels - total number of days, countries, continents, plus last and next country.
Travel - Statistical Charts
I was looking for a reason to try out the charting capabilities of ASP.NET, so I took all my travel information (stored in a SQL database, which happens to also drive the Travel section of my website) and charted the data in a couple different views. Again, this is entirely dynamic so adding a trip will also update the chart. It's interesting to see how much time I've spent compared to other individual countries. My goal is to turn this into a dynamic infographic about all my travels. I'll incorporate maps and mash up with other data to present a cool overview of where I've been and what I've done. Neat!
Blog Comments
Yes, I finally added commenting ability to my blog posts. Much easier to get feedback right on the page instead of forcing people to vist my other Social Media site to connect with me. Why not go ahead and leave a comment right now?
Next Up
I know the photo galleries are a bit of a mess, so I'm going to work on them next. I plan on having that done before I leave on my next trip (less than three weeks away!)
Please feel free to let me know what you think of my updates, or if you have any suggestions for futher enhancements. I'd love to hear from you.
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